Board Committees

The Resident Architectural Committee (RAC) is a board appointed committee which reviews applications and village guidelines.  The RAC makes recommendations for application approvals and denials following the Village Covenants and Guidelines.  The Committee members review the guidelines once or twice a year and makes recommendations for modification. The guidelines are not Covenant changes.  Covenant changes must be voted on during the election process.

Seeking member for: The Senior Advisory Committee Member is an appointed member from the Village of Dorsey’s Search.  The member provides information to Columbia Association in regards to needs, interests, and concerns of Columbia’s mature adult residents. Please visit:
Aging Well in Columbia Advocacy Committee

Seeking member for The Watershed Advisory Committee Member is an appointed position from the Village of Dorsey’s Search.   The member will represent Dorsey’s Search on the Columbia Association’s Watershed Advisory Committee.  The member will participate in the creation and implementation of CA watershed plans, enhance public awareness and facilitate education on watershed issues. Please visit:
Columbia Association Watershed Committee

Please contact the Village office is you are interested in volunteering.
You may email the Village Manager, Ingrid Hatz at